
Dr. 迈克·内勒
Professor of New Testament
Professor of New Testament

Dr. 迈克·内勒 is a New Testament professor in the College of Arts and Sciences. Originally from Iowa, Mike has also lived in Chicago, Edinburgh (Scotland), and Maryland. Mike joined the faculty at Columbia International University in 2012.
In terms of teaching interests, he enjoys working with Koiné Greek and loves teaching a variety of New Testament books. His doctoral research focused upon Revelation and John’s depiction of Jesus. Mike’s research interests include the historical, 文化, and religious contexts of early Christianity, the use of the Old Testament in the New, and the development and expression of early Christian theology.

He serves as the NT Book Review Editor for the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society and is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the Institute for Biblical Research. Prior to his PhD studies, Mike also served as a youth director, worship leader, and associate pastor. One of his delights in teaching is seeing students discover new insights into the Bible and develop their skills and passion for understanding God’s Word. 

One of Mike’s chief joys in life is the family God has blessed him with. He has been married since 2005 to Trudy, and they share the joy of having three children: Henry, 莉莎, 和芽.


  • PhD, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
  • MA, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • BA, Moody Bible Institute


  • Romans: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching. Kerux评论. Kregal(即将出版). 
  • “John and Dissenting Views: Was He Intolerant?” in Revelation under Fire: The Apocalypse of John among Its Critics. 编辑:Alexander E. 斯图尔特和艾伦·班迪. Lexham Press (forthcoming). 
  • “The Incarnation and the Mission of God.” In Reading Hebrews Missiologically. 编辑:Abeneazer G. Edward L . Urga. 史密瑟和琳达·P. 桑德斯. Littleton: William Carey, 2023.
  • “Wealth, Poverty, and the Heavenly City in John’s Apocalypse.” In 健康和富有? A Biblical-Theological Response to the Prosperity Gospel. 编辑:Robert L. 普卢默. 达拉斯:丰特斯,2022年. 
  • “Idolatry and the End Times.” 信条 8.2 (2018). 
  • Complexity and Creativity: John’s Presentation of Jesus in the Book of Revelation. Gorgias Biblical Studies 69. Gorgias出版社,2018.
  • 大卫·克罗托. 迈克尔·P. 内勒. “The Question of a Historical Adam: a New Testament Perspective,” in 寻找亚当. Edited by Terry Mortenson. Green Forest (AR): Master Books, 2016.
  • “Peter Stuhlmacher and Biblical Theology,” in Pillars in the History of Biblical Interpretation. 卷. 2. Stanley E编辑. 波特和肖恩·亚当斯. 尤金:Wipf & 股票,2016.
  • “Alpha and Omega” and “Two Witnesses,” in Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture: A Handbook for Students. Edited by Mary Ann Beavis and Michael Gilmour. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2012.
  • “The Roman Imperial Cult and Revelation.” Currents in Biblical Research, 8.2 (2010): 207–239.