


Columbia Biblical 神学院 offers an alternative model of pastoral education that incorporates a competency-based theological education (CBTE) model for two Master’s programs: MA in Ministry Studies and MDiv in Ministry Studies. The purpose of the Church-Centered CBTE initiative is to assist local congregations in equipping emerging leaders for enduring effectiveness by delivering formal theological education in contexts specific to their ministries under the guidance of experienced pastoral mentors.



Develop the Knowledge and Skills You Need While Working in Your Ministry

能力本位的神学教育 learning provides an online orientation to each competency and possible assessment projects students will complete to demonstrate their competence in the area of study. Participants then work with one or more field mentors in their ministry context to develop the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competency in a given ministry area (e.g.、事工领导、讲道等.). When participants and their mentors believe they are ready to demonstrate competency in an area, they register for a three-hour course and submit a competency assessment project. Participants work at their own pace and may demonstrate as many or as few competencies as they wish in a given semester as their ministry commitments permit. They also have the option to choose the sequence in which they pursue the required competencies. Competency-based study focuses on disciplines related to practical ministry. If a student believes it would be more beneficial to take the eight-week online course in the area of practical ministry, they are allowed to do that in place of completing a competency assessment project.

对于核心知识领域, 比如圣经语言, 旧约介绍, 还有神学课程, 学生可以参加住宿课程或为期八周的在线课程. 对于上下文更敏感的区域, 比如布道, 领导, 精神的形成, a mentor or a mentor team will design a way for the student to demonstrate competency for a particular course, such as completion of a structured project within their local congregation and ministry community.



  • 这个订阅可以让学生获得住宿课程, 在线课程, and a mentor to help them to gain competency in particular practical ministry courses
  • Includes the cost of books and Accordance Bible Software at no additional cost
  • 学生没有资格获得经济援助
  • Depending on how long the student takes to complete all the competencies, the M.A. 价格低至8000美元,而M.Div. 低至1.4万美元.



The Master of Arts in Ministry Studies option consists of forty-two hours of study and serves students with a bachelor’s degree (or students who can demonstrate the ability to do graduate-level theological education) who want to pursue foundational and specialized knowledge and skills. Eighteen of the forty-two credits in the program can be completed in the CBTE format. The breakdown of courses for the MA in Ministry Studies is below.

Courses to be completed in the residential or online format (24 credits):

  • 在神学院取得成功(0学分)
  • 实习基础(0学分)
  • 旧约导论
  • 旧约导论2
  • 福音
  • 使徒行传至启示录
  • 诠释学
  • 神学与伦理学1
  • 神学与伦理学2
  • 理解文化和世界观

Required courses to be completed in the CBTE format (12 credits):

  • 精神形成的基础
  • 基督教事工管理要点
  • 圣经讲道的基础 or 转化圣经教导
  • 实习1和实习2

Choose 2 Practical Ministry courses for the concentration (6 credits) in the CBTE format, 如:

  • 领导及事工技能
  • 教会的家庭事工
  • 实践事工专题
  • 高级圣经讲道
  • 短期咨询

Note: Students can also select BIB or THE courses in the residential or online format for more options in this concentration.


The Master of Divinity in Ministry Studies option consists of seventy-five hours of study and serves students with a bachelor’s degree (or students who can demonstrate the ability to do graduate-level theological education) who want to pursue advanced and specialized knowledge and skills. Thirty-three of the seventy-five credits in the program (about 44%) can be completed in the CBTE format. The breakdown of the courses for the MDiv in Ministry Studies is below.

Courses to be completed in the residential or online format (42 credits):

  • 在神学院取得成功(0学分)
  • 实习基础(0学分)
  • 旧约导论
  • 旧约导论2
  • 福音
  • 使徒行传至启示录
  • 诠释学
  • 神学与伦理学1
  • 神学与伦理学2
  • 全球基督教史
  • 全球基督教史2
  • 理解文化和世界观

Choose one of the following biblical languages sequences (12 credits):


  • 新约希腊文1
  • 新约希腊文2
  • 希腊3
  • 希腊4


  • 希伯来语1
  • 希伯来语2
  • 希伯来语3
  • 希伯来语4

Required courses to be completed in the CBTE format (21 credits):

  • 精神形成的基础
  • 实习1和实习2
  • 圣经讲道的基础
  • 领导及事工技能
  • 转化圣经教导
  • 短期咨询
  • 基督教事工管理要点

4 Practical Ministry courses for Ministry Studies concentration in the CBTE format (12 credits), 如:

  • 教会的家庭事工
  • 实践事工专题
  • 高级圣经讲道
  • 21世纪的宣教与传福音

Note: Students can also select BIB or THE courses in the residential or online format for more options in this concentration.